JavaScript is a high-level programming language primarily used for building interactive front-end web applications. It was created by Brendan Eich at Netscape in just 10 days in May 1995, and since then it has become one of the most popular and widely used programming languages.
Here are some of the main features of JavaScript:
Interactivity: JavaScript is mainly used to create interactive web pages that can respond to user actions in real-time without requiring a page refresh.
Cross-platform: JavaScript is a client-side language, which means that it can be run on any device that has a web browser. This makes it a cross-platform language that can be used for both web and mobile app development.
Object-oriented: JavaScript is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language, which means it uses objects to represent data and functionality.
Dynamically typed: JavaScript is a dynamically-typed language, which means that variables are not required to have a specific data type. This makes it easier to write and read code, but also requires careful attention to type coercion and data validation.
Event-driven: JavaScript uses event-driven programming, which means that it is designed to respond to user actions and other events, such as mouse clicks, keyboard inputs, and form submissions.
Functions as first-class citizens: Functions in JavaScript are first-class citizens, which means that they can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and returned as values from functions.
Overall, JavaScript is a powerful and flexible language that can be used for a wide variety of applications, from building dynamic web pages to creating full-scale web and mobile applications.
Q 1) What is JavaScript and what can it do?
JavaScript is a programming language that is used to create interactive web pages and dynamic web applications. It can be used to create various types of applications including desktop and mobile applications. It can also be used to create games, chatbots, and interactive dashboards.
Q 2) What is the difference between var, let and const in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, var
, let
, and const
are used for declaring variables, but they have some differences in their behavior and usage:
: In earlier versions of JavaScript,var
was the only way to declare variables. A variable declared withvar
has function-level scope, which means it is accessible within the function or global scope in which it is defined. If avar
variable is declared within a block statement (such as a loop or if statement), it can still be accessed outside of that block.let
: Introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6),let
is a block-scoped variable declaration. This means that a variable declared withlet
is only accessible within the block in which it is defined (including any nested blocks). If alet
variable is declared within a loop or an if statement, it is not accessible outside of that block.const
: Also introduced in ES6,const
is a block-scoped variable declaration, but it has some additional rules. A variable declared withconst
cannot be reassigned to a new value once it has been initialized. This means that the value of aconst
variable is fixed and cannot be changed. However, if the variable is an object or an array, you can still modify its properties or elements.
Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between var
, let
, and const
function myFunction() {
var x = 1;
if (true) {
var x = 2; // same variable as the one declared above
console.log(x); // 2
console.log(x); // 2
function myOtherFunction() {
let y = 1;
if (true) {
let y = 2; // different variable than the one declared above
console.log(y); // 2
console.log(y); // 1
function myThirdFunction() {
const z = 1;
if (true) {
const z = 2; // different variable than the one declared above
console.log(z); // 2
console.log(z); // 1
In the example above, var
declares a variable with function-level scope, while let
and const
declare block-scoped variables. Additionally, const
variables cannot be reassigned once they are initialized, while let
and var
variables can be.
Q 3) What is the difference between "==" and "===" in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, ==
and ===
are used for comparison between two values, but they have different behavior and usage:
(loose equality): The==
operator compares two values for equality, but it performs type coercion if the two values are of different types. This means that if the two values are not of the same type, JavaScript will try to convert them to the same type before comparing them. For example, the string "5" is equal to the number 5 when compared with==
, because JavaScript converts the string to a number before performing the comparison.===
(strict equality): The===
operator also compares two values for equality, but it does not perform type coercion. This means that if the two values are of different types, they will not be considered equal, even if they have the same value. For example, the string "5" is not equal to the number 5 when compared with===
, because they are different types.
Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between ==
and ===
console.log(5 == "5"); // true, because "5" is converted to a number before the comparison
console.log(5 === "5"); // false, because they are different types
console.log(5 == true); // true, because true is converted to 1 before the comparison
console.log(5 === true); // false, because they are different types
It's generally recommended to use ===
for comparisons in JavaScript, because it avoids unexpected type coercion and can help prevent bugs in your code. However, there may be situations where ==
is more appropriate, such as when you want to test if a value is "truthy" or "falsy".
Q 4) What is a closure in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, a closure is a function that has access to variables from an outer (enclosing) function that has already returned. The closure function can still access these variables even though the outer function has finished executing.
A closure is created when a function is defined inside another function and the inner function references variables from the outer function. The inner function "closes over" those variables and retains a reference to them, even after the outer function has returned. This allows the inner function to access those variables whenever it is called, even if it is called in a different context.
Here is an example that demonstrates the use of closures:
function outerFunction() {
let counter = 0;
function innerFunction() {
return innerFunction;
let myFunction = outerFunction();
myFunction(); // logs 1
myFunction(); // logs 2
myFunction(); // logs 3
In the example above, outerFunction
returns innerFunction
, which is assigned to the variable myFunction
. When myFunction
is called, it has access to the counter
variable in outerFunction
and is able to increment and log it.
Closures are commonly used to create private variables and functions in JavaScript. By defining a function that returns another function with access to private variables, you can create a "module" that exposes only the functions and data that you want to make public, while keeping the rest of the implementation hidden.
Q 5) What are callbacks in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, a callback is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is intended to be called by that function when it has completed its task. The function that receives the callback is typically an asynchronous function that performs some long-running operation, such as an AJAX request or a timer.
The callback function is usually defined by the caller of the function, and it is called by the function being called when its task is complete. This allows the caller to perform some action after the asynchronous operation is finished, such as updating the page or displaying a message.
Here is an example that demonstrates the use of a callback function with an AJAX request:
function getData(url, callback) {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
let data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
};"GET", url, true);
getData("", function(data) {
In the example above, the getData
function takes a URL and a callback function as arguments. It then creates an XMLHttpRequest object and sends an asynchronous request to the URL. When the request is complete, the callback function is called with the data returned by the request.
Callbacks are commonly used in JavaScript to handle asynchronous operations, such as AJAX requests, timers, and event listeners. By passing a callback function to an asynchronous function, you can perform some action when the operation is complete, rather than waiting for the operation to finish before moving on to the next task.
Q 6) What is an event in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, an event is a signal that something has happened in the web page or application, such as a button being clicked, a key being pressed, or a page finishing loading. Events are a core part of how JavaScript interacts with web pages, and they allow you to respond to user actions and update the page dynamically.
When an event occurs, JavaScript can detect it and respond to it by executing a function or a set of functions. These functions are called event handlers or event listeners, and they are registered on the DOM (Document Object Model) elements that generate the events.
Here is an example of how to register an event handler on a button element:
let myButton = document.getElementById("myButton");
myButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
console.log("Button clicked");
In the example above, myButton
is a reference to a button element in the DOM, and addEventListener
is a method that registers an event listener on that element. The first argument to addEventListener
is the type of event to listen for (in this case, "click"), and the second argument is the function to execute when the event occurs.
There are many different types of events in JavaScript, such as mouse events, keyboard events, form events, and page events. You can find a complete list of events and their descriptions in the MDN Web Docs.
By responding to events, you can create dynamic, interactive web pages that respond to user input and update in real time.
Q 7) What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming in JavaScript?
Synchronous programming in JavaScript is a traditional programming model where each statement of code is executed one at a time, in sequence, and the next statement is not executed until the current statement has finished executing. This can result in blocking behavior where the program must wait for a previous task to complete before moving on to the next task.
Asynchronous programming in JavaScript, on the other hand, allows multiple tasks to run concurrently, without blocking the execution of other tasks. In this model, the program can initiate a task, then move on to another task while the first task is still running in the background. When the first task is completed, a callback function is triggered to handle the result, and the program can then move on to the next task.
Asynchronous programming is commonly used in situations where a task may take a long time to complete, such as fetching data from a remote server, or waiting for user input. By running tasks in the background, the program can remain responsive, and the user can continue to interact with the application while the tasks are running.
In JavaScript, asynchronous programming is often achieved using callbacks, promises, or async/await syntax. These programming patterns provide a way to structure code so that tasks can be executed in parallel, without blocking the execution of other tasks.
Q 8) What are promises in JavaScript?
Promises are a programming pattern in JavaScript that are used to handle asynchronous operations. A promise represents the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation and allows the program to handle the result of the operation when it is completed.
A promise is an object that has three states:
"Pending": The initial state when the promise is created and the asynchronous operation is still in progress.
"Fulfilled": The state when the asynchronous operation is completed successfully, and the promise is resolved with a value.
"Rejected": The state when the asynchronous operation has failed, and the promise is rejected with an error.
Promises provide a way to handle asynchronous operations without blocking the execution of other tasks in the program. They allow the program to handle the result of an asynchronous operation when it is completed, rather than blocking the execution of the program while waiting for the operation to finish.
Promises can be created using the "Promise" constructor, which takes a function that is called immediately and starts the asynchronous operation. The function takes two parameters: "resolve" and "reject". The "resolve" function is called when the operation is completed successfully, and the "reject" function is called when the operation has failed.
Once a promise is created, it can be chained with other promises using the "then" method, which takes two functions: one for handling the resolved value, and one for handling the rejected value. This allows the program to handle the result of an asynchronous operation and chain multiple operations together in a sequence.
Here's an example of creating a Promise:
const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// do some asynchronous operation here
// when the operation is complete, call resolve(value) or reject(error)
You can then use the Promise's "then" and "catch" methods to handle the results:
myPromise.then((value) => {
// handle the fulfilled value here
}).catch((error) => {
// handle the rejection error here
Promises are widely used in modern JavaScript to handle asynchronous operations, and are also used in many popular libraries and frameworks.
Here's an example that uses a Promise to fetch data from a server and log the result to the console:
const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Make an asynchronous request to the server to fetch some data
.then(response => response.json()) // Convert the response to JSON
.then(data => resolve(data)) // Resolve the Promise with the data
.catch(error => reject(error)); // Reject the Promise with the error
myPromise.then((data) => {
console.log(data); // Log the data to the console
}).catch((error) => {
console.error(error); // Log the error to the console
In this example, we create a new Promise using the new Promise()
constructor. We make an asynchronous request to the server using the fetch()
function, which returns a Promise. We then chain two .then()
methods to the Promise returned by fetch()
. The first method converts the response to JSON, and the second method resolves the Promise with the resulting data.
If the server request is successful, the myPromise
Promise will be resolved with the data returned by the server. We use the then()
method to attach a callback that logs the data to the console.
If the server request fails, the myPromise
Promise will be rejected with an error. We use the catch()
method to attach a callback that logs the error to the console.
This is just a simple example, but Promises can be used for a wide range of asynchronous operations in JavaScript.
Q 9) What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, both null
and undefined
represent the absence of a value. However, there are some differences between the two.
is a value that represents a deliberate non-value. It is often used to indicate the absence of an object or value that should exist. For example, if you have a variable that should hold an object but it is not yet defined, you can set it to null
to indicate that it is intentionally empty. It is a primitive value.
On the other hand, undefined
is a value that represents an uninitialized value. It is often used to indicate the absence of a value that should exist. For example, if you declare a variable but don't assign a value to it, it will have the value undefined
by default. It is also a primitive value.
Here's an example to illustrate the difference:
let a;
console.log(a); // Output: undefined
let b = null;
console.log(b); // Output: null
console.log(typeof undefined); // Output: "undefined"
console.log(typeof null); // Output: "object"
In this example, we declare two variables, a
and b
. Since we don't assign a value to a
, it is set to undefined
by default. On the other hand, we set b
to null
Note that typeof null
returns "object"
, which is often considered a quirk of JavaScript. This is because null
was originally designed to represent an empty object pointer. However, null
is its own primitive value in JavaScript and not an object.
In general, you should use null
when you want to explicitly represent a non-value, and undefined
when a value should exist but has not yet been defined or assigned.
Q 10) What is the Document Object Model (DOM), and how is it used in JavaScript?
The Document Object Model, or DOM for short, is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the structure of a document as a hierarchical tree of objects, which can be manipulated using JavaScript. The DOM provides a way for developers to access and modify the content and structure of a web page.
When a web page is loaded in a browser, the browser creates a DOM tree that represents the structure of the page. Each element in the HTML document is represented as a node in the tree, with child nodes representing the element's attributes and content.
Here's an example of a simple HTML document and its corresponding DOM tree:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Page</title>
<h1>Welcome to my page</h1>
<p>This is some content</p>
└── html
├── head
│ └── title
│ └── "My Page"
└── body
├── h1
│ └── "Welcome to my page"
└── p
└── "This is some content"
Using JavaScript, you can access and manipulate the DOM tree to modify the content and behavior of the web page. For example, you can use the document.getElementById()
method to find an element by its ID, and then change its content or style:
code// Find the element with ID "my-heading"
const heading = document.getElementById("my-heading");
// Change its content
heading.textContent = "New heading";
// Change its style = "red";
In this example, we use the document.getElementById()
method to find an element with the ID "my-heading". We then change its textContent
property to "New heading", and its style.color
property to "red".
The DOM is a powerful tool for manipulating web pages, and is widely used in modern web development. However, it is important to use the DOM carefully and efficiently, as excessive or inefficient DOM manipulation can lead to performance issues.
Q 11) What is the difference between window and document in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, window
and document
are both global objects that are part of the browser environment, but they represent different things.
The window
object is the global object in a browser environment, and it represents the browser window or tab. It provides access to many browser-related properties and methods, such as the browser's location and history, and the setTimeout()
and setInterval()
methods for scheduling code to run after a delay or at intervals. The window
object is also the global object for the JavaScript code running in the browser, so any variables or functions defined in global scope are properties of the window
On the other hand, the document
object represents the web page loaded in the browser window or tab. It provides access to the HTML elements and other content of the page, such as forms, images, and links. The document
object also provides methods for manipulating the content of the page, such as the getElementById()
method for finding an element by its ID, and the createElement()
method for creating new elements.
Here's an example to illustrate the difference:
// Access the window object
console.log(window.innerWidth); // Output: the inner width of the browser window
// Access the document object
console.log(document.getElementById("my-element")); // Output: the HTML element with ID "my-element"
In this example, we use the window.innerWidth
property to get the width of the browser window, and the document.getElementById()
method to find an HTML element with the ID "my-element".
In summary, the window
object represents the browser window or tab, while the document
object represents the web page loaded in the window or tab. They both provide important functionality for working with the browser environment and manipulating the content of a web page.
Q 12) What is the difference between innerHTML and textContent in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, both innerHTML
and textContent
are properties of the HTMLElement
interface, but they represent different ways of accessing the content of an HTML element.
The innerHTML
property is used to get or set the HTML content inside an element, including any HTML tags and attributes. This property allows you to modify the content of an element in a flexible way, and can be used to create or modify HTML elements on the fly.
Here's an example of using innerHTML
to add a new element to the page:
const container = document.getElementById("my-container");
container.innerHTML = "<p>Hello, world!</p>";
In this example, we use the getElementById()
method to find an element with the ID "my-container", and then set its innerHTML
property to the HTML string <p>Hello, world!</p>
. This adds a new <p>
element to the container element.
The textContent
property, on the other hand, is used to get or set the text content inside an element, without any HTML tags or attributes. This property allows you to access or modify only the text content of an element, and is often used when you only need to work with the text content of an element.
Here's an example of using textContent
to get the text content of an element:
const heading = document.getElementById("my-heading");
const text = heading.textContent;
console.log(text); // Output: the text content of the heading element
In this example, we use the getElementById()
method to find an element with the ID "my-heading", and then get its textContent
property to retrieve the text content of the element.
In summary, innerHTML
and textContent
are both properties of the HTMLElement
interface, but innerHTML
allows you to modify the HTML content of an element, while textContent
allows you to access or modify only the text content of an element.
Q 13) What is the difference between a null value and an empty string in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, a null
value and an empty string (""
) are not the same thing, and they have different meanings and uses.
A null
value is a value that represents the absence of any object value. It is used to indicate that a variable has no value or that an object property does not exist. It is a special value in JavaScript that is explicitly assigned to a variable or object property.
An empty string (""
) is a string with zero length. It is a valid string value, but it contains no characters. It is often used to represent an empty input field or an empty value for a string variable.
Here's an example to illustrate the difference:
let myVar = null;
let myStr = "";
console.log(myVar); // Output: null
console.log(typeof myVar); // Output: "object"
console.log(myStr); // Output: ""
console.log(typeof myStr); // Output: "string"
In this example, we create two variables, myVar
and myStr
. We assign a null
value to myVar
to indicate that it has no value, and an empty string (""
) to myStr
to represent an empty value. When we log these variables to the console, we see that myVar
is of type "object" and has a value of null
, while myStr
is of type "string" and has a value of ""
In summary, a null
value represents the absence of any object value, while an empty string (""
) is a valid string value that represents a string with zero length. They are not the same thing, and are used in different ways and contexts.
Q 14) What is the difference between call and apply methods in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, both call
and apply
are methods that can be used to invoke a function with a specified this
value and arguments. The main difference between call
and apply
is the way they pass the function arguments.
The call
method is used to call a function with a specified this
value and arguments provided individually as comma-separated values. The first argument to the call
method is the this
value to be used inside the function, and any additional arguments are passed as individual arguments to the function.
Here's an example of using the call
function sayHello(message) {
console.log(`${message}, ${}!`);
const person = { name: "John" };, "Hello"); // Output: "Hello, John!"
In this example, we define a function sayHello
that takes a message
argument and logs a message to the console. We create an object person
with a name
property, and then use the call
method to call the sayHello
function with the person
object as the this
value and the string "Hello"
as the message
The apply
method is similar to the call
method, but it is used to call a function with a specified this
value and arguments provided as an array. The first argument to the apply
method is the this
value to be used inside the function, and the second argument is an array or an array-like object that contains the arguments to be passed to the function.
Here's an example of using the apply
function sayHello(message, punctuation) {
console.log(`${message}, ${}${punctuation}`);
const person = { name: "John" };
const args = ["Hello", "!"];
sayHello.apply(person, args); // Output: "Hello, John!"
In this example, we define a function sayHello
that takes a message
argument and a punctuation
argument, and logs a message to the console. We create an object person
with a name
property, and then create an array args
that contains the string "Hello"
and the string "!"
. We use the apply
method to call the sayHello
function with the person
object as the this
value, and the args
array as the arguments to be passed to the function.
In summary, the call
and apply
methods are similar in that they allow you to call a function with a specified this
value and arguments. The main difference is the way they pass the function arguments: call
passes arguments individually, while apply
passes arguments as an array.
Q 15) What is the difference between the reduce,map and filter methods in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, reduce
and map
are both array methods that allow you to perform operations on each element of an array. The main difference between reduce
and map
is that reduce
is used to accumulate a single value by iterating over an array, while map
is used to transform each element of an array into a new value.
The map
method creates a new array by applying a function to each element of an existing array, and returning an array of the same length as the original array. The function passed to map
is called for each element of the array, and should return the new value that will replace the original element in the new array.
Here's an example of using the map
method to create a new array:
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const doubledNumbers = => n * 2);
console.log(doubledNumbers); // Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
In this example, we create an array numbers
with five elements. We use the map
method to create a new array doubledNumbers
, where each element is twice the corresponding element of the numbers
The reduce
method, on the other hand, is used to accumulate a single value by iterating over an array. The function passed to reduce
takes two arguments: an accumulator, which is the value returned by the previous iteration, and the current value of the array being processed. The function should return the new value of the accumulator, which will be passed to the next iteration.
Here's an example of using the reduce
method to accumulate a sum:
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const sum = numbers.reduce((accumulator, current) => accumulator + current, 0);
console.log(sum); // Output: 15
In this example, we create an array numbers
with five elements. We use the reduce
method to accumulate the sum of the elements, starting with an initial value of 0
In summary, the map
method is used to transform each element of an array into a new value and create a new array of the same length, while the reduce
method is used to accumulate a single value by iterating over an array. They are used in different ways and contexts, but they are both powerful methods that allow you to work with arrays in JavaScript.
In JavaScript, filter
is a higher-order function that is used to filter an array based on a given condition. The filter
function takes a callback function as an argument, which is called for each element of the array. The callback function should return a boolean value, indicating whether the current element should be included in the filtered array.
The syntax of the filter
function is as follows:
array.filter(callback(element[, index[, array]])[, thisArg])
Here is a breakdown of each parameter:
: A function that is called for each element of the array. It takes three arguments:element
: The current element being processed in the array.index
(optional): The index of the current element being processed in the array.array
(optional): The array thatfilter
was called upon. The callback function should return a boolean value that indicates whether the current element should be included in the filtered array.
(optional): The value to use asthis
when executing thecallback
Here's an example of how to use filter
to filter an array of numbers:
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
// create a new array with only the even numbers
const evenNumbers = numbers.filter((number) => {
return number % 2 === 0;
console.log(evenNumbers); // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
In this example, the filter
function is called on the numbers
array, with a callback function that returns true
if the current element is even (i.e. if it is divisible by 2). The resulting evenNumbers
array only contains the even numbers from the original array.
Q 16) What is the difference between setTimeOut and setInterval in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, both setTimeout
and setInterval
are used to execute a function after a certain amount of time has elapsed. The difference between them lies in how they repeat the execution of the function.
The setTimeout
method allows you to execute a function after a specified delay, which is specified in milliseconds. The function is executed only once, after the specified delay. Here's an example:
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("This will be printed after 2 seconds.");
}, 2000);
In this example, we use setTimeout
to print a message to the console after a delay of 2 seconds.
The setInterval
method, on the other hand, allows you to execute a function repeatedly at a specified interval, which is also specified in milliseconds. The function is executed repeatedly until the clearInterval
method is called to stop it. Here's an example:
let count = 0;
const intervalId = setInterval(function() {
console.log("Count is: " + count);
}, 1000);
In this example, we use setInterval
to print a message to the console every 1 second. The count variable is incremented and printed each time the function is executed.
It's important to note that setInterval
continues to execute the function at the specified interval, even if the function takes longer to execute than the interval time. This can result in overlapping function calls, which can be problematic in some cases. Therefore, it's important to use setInterval
with caution and ensure that the function executes quickly enough to avoid overlapping calls.
In summary, setTimeout
is used to execute a function once after a specified delay, while setInterval
is used to execute a function repeatedly at a specified interval until the clearInterval
method is called to stop it.
Q 17) What is the difference between event bubbling and capturing in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, events can be handled either through bubbling or capturing. These are two different mechanisms for propagating events through the document tree from the target element to its parent elements.
Bubbling is the most common way of handling events in JavaScript. When an event is triggered on an element, the event is first handled by the target element, then by its parent element, and so on, until it reaches the topmost element in the document (usually the window
object). This is called event bubbling.
For example, consider the following HTML code:
<div id="outer">
<div id="inner">
<button id="btn">Click me</button>
If the user clicks the button, the click event will be handled first by the button, then by the inner div, then by the outer div, and finally by the window
Capturing, on the other hand, is the opposite of bubbling. When an event is triggered on an element, the event is first handled by the topmost element in the document (usually the window
object), then by its child elements, and so on, until it reaches the target element. This is called event capturing.
To use capturing instead of bubbling, you can set the third parameter of the addEventListener
method to true
. For example:
const outer = document.querySelector('#outer');
const inner = document.querySelector('#inner');
const btn = document.querySelector('#btn');
outer.addEventListener('click', function() {
}, true);
inner.addEventListener('click', function() {
}, true);
btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
}, true);
In this example, when the user clicks the button, the click event will be handled first by the outer div, then by the inner div, and finally by the button.
In summary, event bubbling and capturing are two different mechanisms for propagating events through the document tree in JavaScript. Bubbling is the default mechanism, and is used when the third parameter of the addEventListener
method is set to false
. Capturing can be used by setting the third parameter to true
Q 18) What is the purpose of the keyword "this" in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, the keyword this
is used to refer to the current execution context or the current object. The value of this
depends on how a function is invoked and where it is invoked.
Here are some common use cases of the this
- Method invocation: When a function is called as a method of an object,
refers to the object that the method belongs to. For example:
const person = {
name: 'John',
age: 30,
sayHi() {
console.log(`Hi, my name is ${}.`);
person.sayHi(); // Output: Hi, my name is John.
In this example, when the sayHi
method is invoked on the person
object, this
refers to the person
- Function invocation: When a function is called as a standalone function,
refers to the global object (window
in a browser,global
in Node.js). For example:
function sayHi() {
console.log(`Hi, my name is ${}.`);
} = 'John';
sayHi(); // Output: Hi, my name is John.
In this example, since the sayHi
function is called as a standalone function, this
refers to the global object (window
in a browser).
- Constructor invocation: When a function is called with the
keyword to create an instance of an object,this
refers to the newly created object. For example:
function Person(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
const person = new Person('John', 30);
console.log(; // Output: John
In this example, when the Person
function is called with the new
keyword, this
refers to the newly created object.
- Event handlers: When an event handler is called,
refers to the element that the event occurred on. For example:
<button id="myButton">Click me</button>
const myButton = document.querySelector('#myButton');
myButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
console.log(this); // Output: <button id="myButton">Click me</button>
In this example, when the click
event occurs on the button, this
refers to the button element.
In summary, the this
keyword in JavaScript is used to refer to the current execution context or the current object. Its value depends on how a function is invoked and where it is invoked.
Q 19) What is the difference between arrow functions and regular functions in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, there are two ways to define functions: regular functions and arrow functions. Here are the main differences between them:
- Syntax: Arrow functions have a more concise syntax than regular functions, especially when they have only one parameter and one expression. For example, a regular function that adds two numbers looks like this:
javascriptCopy codefunction add(a, b) {
return a + b;
The same function can be written as an arrow function like this:
javascriptCopy codeconst add = (a, b) => a + b;
keyword: In regular functions, thethis
keyword is dynamic and its value depends on how the function is called. In contrast, arrow functions have a lexicalthis
, which means that theirthis
value is taken from the enclosing execution context. This makes arrow functions more predictable and easier to reason about. For example:
const person = {
name: 'John',
sayHi: function() {
console.log(`Hi, my name is ${}.`);
person.sayHi(); // Output: Hi, my name is John.
const person2 = {
name: 'Jane',
sayHi: () => {
console.log(`Hi, my name is ${}.`);
person2.sayHi(); // Output: Hi, my name is undefined.
In this example, the sayHi
method of the person
object uses a regular function and can access the name
property of the person
object through the this
keyword. In contrast, the sayHi
method of the person2
object uses an arrow function, which has a lexical this
. Since this
is taken from the enclosing execution context, which in this case is the global object, the name
property is undefined.
- Use as method: Arrow functions cannot be used as constructors or methods, which means that they cannot be called with the
keyword and they do not have their ownthis
value. They can only be used as standalone functions or as callback functions. For example:
function Person(name) { = name;
// Regular function as a constructor
const person = new Person('John');
console.log(; // Output: John
// Arrow function as a constructor (throws a TypeError)
const Person2 = name => { = name;
const person2 = new Person2('Jane'); // Throws a TypeError: Person2 is not a constructor
In this example, the Person
function is a regular function that can be used as a constructor with the new
keyword to create instances of Person
. In contrast, the Person2
function is an arrow function that cannot be used as a constructor.
In summary, arrow functions have a more concise syntax than regular functions, have a lexical this
, and cannot be used as constructors or methods. Regular functions have a more flexible this
, a more verbose syntax, and can be used as constructors or methods. Which one to use depends on the specific use case and personal preference.
Q 20) What is the difference between a variable declared with let and const in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, let
and const
are two keywords used to declare variables, and there are some differences between them:
- Mutability:
variables are mutable, which means that their values can be changed after they are declared, whileconst
variables are immutable, which means that their values cannot be changed once they are assigned.
let x = 10;
x = 20; // Valid, x can be reassigned
const y = 10;
y = 20; // Invalid, y cannot be reassigned
- Scope: Both
have block-level scope, which means that they are only accessible within the block they are declared in.
let x = 10;
const y = 20;
console.log(x); // Error: x is not defined
console.log(y); // Error: y is not defined
- Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ): When using
, it is not possible to access the variable before it is declared in the current block. This is called the Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ). In the TDZ, the variable is said to be "uninitialized" and trying to access it will result in a ReferenceError.
console.log(x); // Error: x is not defined
console.log(y); // Error: y is not defined
let x = 10;
const y = 20;
- Declaration:
allows the variable to be declared without an initial value, whileconst
requires the variable to be initialized with a value.
let x;
const y = 10;
console.log(x); // Output: undefined
console.log(y); // Output: 10
In summary, let
and const
are similar in that they have block-level scope, but differ in that let
allows for mutability and the variable can be declared without an initial value, while const
requires that the variable be initialized and the value cannot be changed. The choice between let
and const
depends on the intended use of the variable and the desired behavior.
Q 21) What is hoisting in JavaScript?
Hoisting is a behavior in JavaScript where variable declarations and function declarations are moved to the top of their respective scopes during the compilation phase. This means that it is possible to use a variable or function before it has been declared.
For example, the following code demonstrates hoisting with a variable:
console.log(x); // Output: undefined
var x = 10;
This code outputs undefined
instead of throwing an error. This is because the declaration of x
is hoisted to the top of the current scope, which in this case is the global scope. However, the assignment of 10
to x
is not hoisted, and so the value of x
is undefined
when the console.log
statement is executed.
Function declarations are also hoisted, which means that a function can be called before it is declared:
function hello() {
console.log("Hello, world!");
This code outputs Hello, world!
to the console because the function declaration is hoisted to the top of the current scope, which in this case is also the global scope.
Note that only function declarations are hoisted, not function expressions or arrow functions. Variable declarations using let
or const
are also hoisted, but are not initialized to a value until their declaration is reached in the code, which means that trying to access them before they are declared will result in a ReferenceError
Hoisting can be a source of confusion in JavaScript, so it's important to understand how it works and to use best practices when declaring variables and functions to avoid unexpected behavior.
Q 22) What is the purpose of the "use strict" directive in JavaScript?
The "use strict" directive is a feature of modern JavaScript that enables a stricter interpretation of the language, by enforcing a set of rules and best practices. When this directive is used at the beginning of a script or function, it enables strict mode, which changes the way JavaScript works in a few ways:
Prevents the use of undeclared variables: In strict mode, attempting to use a variable that has not been declared with
, orconst
will result in aReferenceError
. This helps prevent the creation of unintended global variables.Disallows assignments to read-only properties: In strict mode, attempts to modify a read-only property will result in a
. This helps prevent accidental modification of built-in objects and their properties.Disallows duplicate property names or function parameter names: In strict mode, using duplicate names for object properties or function parameters will result in a
. This helps prevent naming conflicts and makes the code easier to read and maintain.Disallows the use of some reserved words as variable or parameter names: In strict mode, attempting to use certain reserved words (such as
) as variable or parameter names will result in aSyntaxError
.Changes the meaning of the
keyword: In strict mode, thethis
keyword inside a function will beundefined
instead of the global object when the function is called without an object context.
The "use strict" directive is optional, but it is recommended to use it in modern JavaScript code, as it helps catch common programming errors and encourages best practices.
Q 23) What is the difference between a class and an object in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, a class is a template or blueprint for creating objects, while an object is an instance of a class.
A class defines the properties and methods that an object will have, as well as its behavior. It is like a blueprint that describes how an object should be created, but it does not create any objects itself. In JavaScript, classes can be defined using the class
keyword, which was introduced in ECMAScript 2015.
An object, on the other hand, is an instance of a class that has been created using the new
keyword. It is a concrete realization of the class, with its own unique set of properties and methods. Objects can be created from any class, and each object created from the same class will have the same properties and methods defined by the class.
Here is an example of a class and an object in JavaScript:
// Define a class
class Person {
constructor(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
sayHello() {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${} and I am ${this.age} years old.`);
// Create an object from the class
const john = new Person("John", 30);
// Call a method on the object
john.sayHello(); // Output: "Hello, my name is John and I am 30 years old."
In this example, Person
is a class that defines a name
and an age
property, as well as a sayHello
method. The new
keyword is used to create an object (john
) from the Person
class, and the sayHello
method is called on that object. The output is a message that includes the object's name
and age
In summary, a class is a template or blueprint for creating objects, while an object is a concrete instance of a class that has its own unique set of properties and methods.
Q 24) What is the difference between an array and an object in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, both arrays and objects are used to store and manipulate data, but they have some key differences.
Structure: Arrays are ordered lists of elements, with a numeric index for each element, starting at 0. Objects are collections of key-value pairs, where the keys are strings and the values can be any type of data.
Indexing: Arrays are indexed by integers, which are used to access elements in the array using bracket notation (
). Objects are accessed by keys, which can be strings or symbols, and are accessed using either bracket notation ([]
) or dot notation (.
).Methods: Arrays have a number of built-in methods for manipulating and accessing their elements, such as
, andforEach()
. Objects have a smaller set of built-in methods, such asObject.keys()
, andObject.entries()
, which are used to manipulate and access their properties.Use case: Arrays are typically used to store lists of related items, such as a list of names or numbers, while objects are used to store more complex data, such as the properties of a user or an item in an online store.
Here is an example of an array and an object in JavaScript:
// An array of numbers
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// An object representing a person
const person = {
name: "Alice",
age: 30,
occupation: "Software engineer"
In this example, numbers
is an array that contains a list of integers, while person
is an object that contains key-value pairs representing the person's name, age, and occupation.
In summary, arrays and objects in JavaScript are both used to store and manipulate data, but they have different structures, indexing methods, built-in methods, and use cases. Arrays are best suited for storing lists of related items, while objects are best suited for storing complex data with key-value pairs.
Q 25) What is a prototype in JavaScript, and how does it work?
In JavaScript, every object has a hidden property called the "prototype". The prototype is an object that serves as a blueprint for creating new objects of the same type. When you create an object in JavaScript, the object inherits all of the properties and methods of its prototype.
There are two main ways to create objects in JavaScript: using constructor functions or using object literals.
When you create an object using a constructor function, the object's prototype is set to the prototype property of the constructor function. For example, consider the following constructor function:
function Person(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
Person.prototype.sayHello = function() {
console.log("Hello, my name is " +;
In this example, the Person
constructor function creates objects with a name
and age
property, and a sayHello()
method. The sayHello()
method is added to the prototype of the Person
function using the prototype
property. This means that any objects created using the Person
constructor will have access to the sayHello()
method via their prototype.
When you create an object using an object literal, the object's prototype is set to Object.prototype
. For example, consider the following object literal:
const person = {
name: "Alice",
age: 30
person.sayHello = function() {
console.log("Hello, my name is " +;
In this example, the person
object is created using an object literal, and a sayHello()
method is added to the object using dot notation. Because the person
object was created using an object literal, its prototype is set to Object.prototype
In both cases, the object's prototype is used to look up properties and methods that are not defined on the object itself. This allows you to create objects that share common functionality, without having to repeat the same code for each object.
Q 26) What is a promise chain in JavaScript?
A Promise chain in JavaScript is a series of asynchronous operations that are performed in a sequence, where each operation depends on the completion of the previous one.
Promises are used to manage asynchronous operations in JavaScript. When a Promise is created, it is in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected. A Promise chain is created by chaining together multiple Promise objects using the .then()
Each Promise in the chain returns a new Promise, which allows you to chain together multiple asynchronous operations. The then()
method is called on the Promise object and takes two arguments: a callback function to be executed when the Promise is fulfilled, and an optional callback function to be executed when the Promise is rejected.
Here is an example of a Promise chain:
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
return data.filter(item => item.status === 'complete');
.then(filteredData => {
// perform more operations on filtered data
.catch(error => console.error(error));
In this example, the fetch()
function is used to make a network request and retrieve data from a remote server. The first then()
method is called on the resulting Promise and passes the response object to a callback function that converts the response to JSON format.
The second then()
method is called on the Promise returned by the first then()
method. This method filters the data and returns a new Promise that contains the filtered data. The filtered data is then passed to the next then()
Finally, the last then()
method is used to perform additional operations on the filtered data. If any errors occur during the Promise chain, they will be caught by the catch()
method and logged to the console.
Using Promise chains allows you to write clean, readable code that can handle multiple asynchronous operations in a sequence.
Q 27) What is the difference between a synchronous and asynchronous request in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, a synchronous request is one where the code execution is blocked until the request is completed, while an asynchronous request is one where the code execution continues immediately after the request is made, without waiting for the response to come back.
Synchronous requests are typically made using the XMLHttpRequest
object or the fetch
API, and are known as blocking requests because they prevent any further code from executing until the response is received. This can cause the user interface to become unresponsive if the request takes a long time to complete, which is why synchronous requests are generally not recommended in web applications.
Asynchronous requests, on the other hand, use callbacks, Promises, or async/await syntax to allow the code to continue executing while the request is being processed. When the response is received, the callback function or Promise is resolved, and the code can continue to process the response.
Asynchronous requests are generally preferred in web applications because they allow the user interface to remain responsive while network requests are being made. They also allow for more efficient use of system resources, since the application can continue to perform other tasks while waiting for a response from the server.
In summary, the main difference between synchronous and asynchronous requests is that synchronous requests block the execution of the code until the request is complete, while asynchronous requests allow the code to continue executing while the request is being processed.
Q 28) What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, null
and undefined
are two distinct values that represent different concepts.
is a primitive value that is assigned to a variable that has been declared but has not been assigned a value. It can also be the default return value of a function that doesn't explicitly return anything. undefined
is also used to represent missing function arguments, as well as missing object properties.
, on the other hand, is also a primitive value that represents the intentional absence of any object value. It is often used to indicate that a variable or object property exists, but has no value.
In terms of their behavior, undefined
and null
behave similarly in many situations, and they are both considered "falsy" values in JavaScript. This means that they are both considered false when evaluated in a boolean context. However, they are not the same value, and they are not interchangeable.
In summary, undefined
is used to represent the absence of a value that has not been assigned, while null
is used to represent the intentional absence of a value that has been assigned.
Q 29) What is a module in JavaScript, and how does it work?
A module in JavaScript is a self-contained unit of code that can be used to encapsulate related functionality and make it easier to organize and reuse code across a larger application. Modules can contain variables, functions, and classes that are defined within a specific scope, and can be exported and imported into other modules.
JavaScript modules use the CommonJS or ES6 module format. In the CommonJS format, modules are defined using the module.exports
object, and can be imported using the require
function. For example, the following code defines a module that exports a single function:
// module.js
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
module.exports = add;
The module can then be imported into another module using the require
function, like this:
// app.js
const add = require('./module');
console.log(add(2, 3)); // Output: 5
In the ES6 module format, modules are defined using the export
keyword, and can be imported using the import
keyword. For example, the following code defines a module that exports a single function:
// module.js
export function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
The module can then be imported into another module using the import
keyword, like this:
// app.js
import { add } from './module';
console.log(add(2, 3)); // Output: 5
Using modules can help make code more maintainable and reusable, by allowing developers to separate different parts of an application into distinct, self-contained units of functionality. Modules can also be shared between different applications or published to package repositories, making it easier for developers to share and reuse code across different projects.
Q 30) What is the difference between the length and size properties in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, the length
property is used to get the number of elements in an array or the number of characters in a string. For example, if you have an array with 5 elements, its length
property will return 5
The size
property is not a built-in property in JavaScript, but some data structures such as Set
and Map
have a size
property. The size
property is used to get the number of elements in the set or map. For example, if you have a set with 5 elements, its size
property will return 5
In summary, the length
property is used to get the number of elements in an array or the number of characters in a string, while the size
property is used to get the number of elements in a Set
or Map
. It's important to note that the size
property is not available on all objects in JavaScript, and it's only used on certain data structures that have a size-related concept, such as Set
and Map
Q 31) What is the difference between a for loop and a forEach loop in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, a for
loop and a forEach
loop are both used to iterate over arrays and execute a function on each element of the array. However, there are some key differences between the two.
Here are some of the main differences between a for
loop and a forEach
loop in JavaScript:
Syntax: A
loop requires you to specify a starting index, an ending index, and an increment or decrement, whereas aforEach
loop does not require you to specify any of these things.Breaking out of the loop: In a
loop, you can use thebreak
keyword to exit the loop early if a certain condition is met. With aforEach
loop, there is no built-in way to exit the loop early, so you need to use a different approach such as throwing an exception or using a flag variable.Return value: A
loop does not return a value, while aforEach
loop returnsundefined
.Use case: A
loop is more general-purpose and can be used to iterate over arrays, strings, and other iterable objects, while aforEach
loop is designed specifically for iterating over arrays.
Here's an example of a for
loop and a forEach
loop that both accomplish the same thing (printing each element of an array to the console):
// using a for loop
const arr = [1, 2, 3];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
// using a forEach loop
arr.forEach((element) => {
In general, if you just need to iterate over an array and perform a simple operation on each element, a forEach
loop is a good choice. However, if you need more control over the loop (e.g. you need to break out of the loop early or skip certain elements), a for
loop may be a better choice.
Q 32) What is the difference between a let and var keyword in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, let
and var
are both used for declaring variables, but they have some important differences in terms of scoping and hoisting.
is block-scoped, whilevar
is function-scoped. This means that a variable declared withlet
is only accessible within the block it was declared in (e.g. a loop or conditional statement), whereas a variable declared withvar
is accessible within the entire function it was declared in.Hoisting: Variables declared with
are hoisted to the top of their function or global scope, meaning that they can be accessed before they are declared. Variables declared withlet
are not hoisted and can only be accessed after they are declared.
Here is an example to illustrate the difference:
function example() {
var x = 1;
let y = 2;
if (true) {
var x = 3;
let y = 4;
console.log(x); // 3
console.log(y); // 4
console.log(x); // 3
console.log(y); // 2
In this example, x
is declared twice, once with var
and once with let
, and y
is also declared with let
. Within the block of the if
statement, both x
and y
are redeclared with new values. Because x
is declared with var
, it is function-scoped and its value is changed throughout the function, even outside the block where it was redeclared. y
, on the other hand, is block-scoped because it is declared with let
, so its value is only changed within the block where it was redeclared.
Overall, let
is generally preferred over var
because it is safer and easier to reason about in terms of scoping.
Q 33) What is the difference between a function declaration and a function expression in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, there are two ways to define a function: function declarations and function expressions. They differ in terms of how they are defined and when they are available to use.
A function declaration defines a named function using the function
keyword. It can be called before it is defined, because it is hoisted to the top of its scope. Here is an example:
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
console.log(add(2, 3)); // 5
In this example, add
is a function declaration that takes two parameters and returns their sum. It can be called before its definition because it is hoisted to the top of its scope.
A function expression, on the other hand, defines a function as a value assigned to a variable or property. It is not hoisted to the top of its scope and can only be called after it has been defined. Here is an example:
const add = function(x, y) {
return x + y;
console.log(add(2, 3)); // 5
In this example, add
is a function expression that defines a function as a value assigned to a const
variable. It can only be called after it has been defined.
In summary, function declarations are hoisted to the top of their scope and can be called before they are defined, while function expressions are not hoisted and can only be called after they are defined. Function expressions are more versatile because they can be passed as arguments to other functions or used as object properties, but function declarations are simpler and more straightforward for standalone functions.
Q 34) What is a JSON object in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) object is a lightweight data interchange format that is used to transmit data between a client and a server. It is a text format that is completely language-independent, making it easy to exchange data between different programming languages.
A JSON object is a collection of name/value pairs, similar to a JavaScript object. However, unlike a JavaScript object, the names and values are always strings in a JSON object. The syntax of a JSON object is similar to that of a JavaScript object, but with a few differences. Here's an example of a simple JSON object:
"name": "John",
"age": 30,
"city": "New York"
In this example, the JSON object contains three name/value pairs: "name" with the value "John", "age" with the value 30, and "city" with the value "New York". The keys (names) are always strings, and the values can be strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, or other JSON objects.
In JavaScript, you can parse a JSON object using the JSON.parse()
method to convert it into a JavaScript object, and you can stringify a JavaScript object into a JSON object using the JSON.stringify()
Q 35) What is a closure in JavaScript, and how does it work?
In JavaScript, a closure is a function that has access to variables in its outer (enclosing) function, even after the outer function has returned. A closure is created when an inner function is returned from an outer function and the inner function has access to variables in the outer function's scope.
Here's an example of a closure in JavaScript:
function outerFunction() {
var outerVariable = 10;
function innerFunction() {
return innerFunction;
var innerFunc = outerFunction();
innerFunc(); // Output: 10
In this example, outerFunction
returns innerFunction
, which has access to the outerVariable
in outerFunction
. When innerFunc
is called, it logs the value of outerVariable
, which is still accessible even though outerFunction
has returned.
Closures are useful for creating private variables and methods in JavaScript, as they can be used to encapsulate data and prevent it from being modified outside of the closure. Closures are also commonly used to create functions with custom behavior or to create functions that "remember" previous values.
Q 36) What is the difference between a stack and a heap in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, variables are stored either on the stack or in the heap, depending on their data type.
The stack is used to store primitive data types such as numbers, booleans, and pointers, while the heap is used to store more complex data types such as objects and arrays.
When a variable is assigned a primitive value, such as a number or a boolean, it is stored directly on the stack. When a variable is assigned an object or an array, a reference to the object or array is stored on the stack, and the actual object or array is stored in the heap.
When a function is called, a new stack frame is created on the stack to store local variables and function arguments. When the function returns, the stack frame is popped off the stack and the local variables and function arguments are destroyed.
In general, the stack is faster than the heap because it is simpler and more efficient to allocate and deallocate memory on the stack. However, the stack has a limited size, so it is not suitable for storing large amounts of data. The heap, on the other hand, can grow as needed to accommodate larger objects, but it is generally slower and less efficient than the stack.
Q 37) What is the difference between "undefined" and "undeclared" in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, "undefined" and "undeclared" are two different concepts.
"Undefined" is a value that a variable can have when it is declared, but not initialized or assigned a value. It means that the variable has been declared, but it does not have a value assigned to it. For example:
let x;
console.log(x); // Output: undefined
"Undeclared", on the other hand, means that the variable has not been declared at all, and therefore it does not exist in the current scope. If you try to access an undeclared variable, you will get a ReferenceError. For example:
console.log(y); // Output: ReferenceError: y is not defined
In summary, "undefined" means a variable has been declared but has no value assigned to it, while "undeclared" means that the variable has not been declared at all.
Q 38) What is the difference between a "then" and "catch" block in JavaScript promises?
In JavaScript promises, a then
block is used to handle the successful fulfillment of a promise, while a catch
block is used to handle any errors that occur during the fulfillment of the promise.
When a promise is resolved successfully, the then
block is executed with the resolved value as the parameter. For example:
.then(response => {
// Handle successful response
.catch(error => {
// Handle error
In the above example, if the fetch
call succeeds, the then
block will be executed with the response as its parameter. If the fetch
call fails, the catch
block will be executed with the error as its parameter.
If there are multiple then
blocks in a promise chain, each block will be executed in sequence. If any then
block throws an error, the promise chain will skip all the subsequent then
blocks and go directly to the catch
In summary, a then
block is used to handle the successful fulfillment of a promise, while a catch
block is used to handle any errors that occur during the fulfillment of the promise.
Q 39) What is the difference between "new" and "Object.create" in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, both new
and Object.create()
can be used to create objects, but they differ in their approach.
is used to create an instance of a constructor function, which is a function that is designed to be used with the new
keyword. The new
keyword creates a new object and sets its prototype to the prototype of the constructor function. It then calls the constructor function with the new object as the this
context and returns the new object. For example:
function Person(name) { = name;
const person = new Person('John');
console.log(; // Output: John
On the other hand, Object.create()
is a method that creates a new object with the specified prototype. It takes an object as its argument and returns a new object with the same prototype as the passed-in object. For example:
const person = {
name: 'John'
const newPerson = Object.create(person);
console.log(; // Output: John
In this example, newPerson
is created with the prototype of person
, which means that it inherits the name
property from person
In summary, new
is used to create an instance of a constructor function, while Object.create()
is used to create a new object with the specified prototype.
Q 40) What is a generator function in JavaScript, and how does it work?
A generator function in JavaScript is a special type of function that can be paused and resumed during execution, allowing for the generation of a series of values. It is defined using the function* syntax and yields values using the yield keyword.
When a generator function is called, it returns an iterator object, which can be used to control the execution of the generator function. The iterator has a next() method, which when called, resumes execution of the generator function until it reaches the next yield statement. The value returned by the yield statement is then provided as the value of the iterator's next() method. This process can be repeated until the generator function completes or a return statement is encountered.
Generator functions can be used to implement a range of functionality, including lazy evaluation, asynchronous control flow, and data streaming. They are often used in combination with the for...of loop, which can iterate over the values yielded by a generator function.
Here's an example of a generator function that generates an infinite sequence of integers:
function* infiniteSequence() {
let i = 0;
while (true) {
yield i++;
const iterator = infiniteSequence();
console.log(; // 0
console.log(; // 1
console.log(; // 2
// ...
Q 41) What is the difference between "let" and "const" in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, let
and const
are used to declare variables, but there are some key differences between the two.
is used to declare variables that can be reassigned. It has a block scope, which means that it is only accessible within the block it is declared in, and any nested blocks. For example:
function example() {
let x = 1;
if (true) {
let x = 2;
console.log(x); // 2
console.log(x); // 1
, on the other hand, is used to declare variables that cannot be reassigned. It also has a block scope, just like let
. This means that you can change the properties of an object that is declared with const
, but you cannot reassign the variable itself. For example:
const myObject = {x: 1};
myObject.x = 2; // Allowed
myObject = {x: 3}; // Not allowed
In general, it is a good practice to use const
whenever possible, because it prevents accidental reassignment of variables, which can introduce bugs in your code. Use let
when you need to reassign variables, such as when iterating over an array with a for
loop or when you need to declare a counter in a loop.
Q 42) What is the difference between "bind", "call" and "apply" in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, bind
, call
, and apply
are all methods used to set the value of this
in a function and to call a function with a specified this
The call
method is used to call a function with a given this
value and arguments provided individually. It takes one or more arguments, where the first argument is the value of this
inside the function, and the remaining arguments are the arguments to pass to the function.
The apply
method is similar to call
, but it takes an array-like object as the second argument, where the array contains the arguments to pass to the function. The first argument is still the value of this
inside the function.
The bind
method creates a new function that, when called, has its this
keyword set to the provided value. It does not call the function immediately, but rather returns a new function with the this
value bound to the specified value. The original function is not modified.
In summary, call
and apply
are used to call a function with a given this
value and arguments provided either individually or in an array, while bind
is used to create a new function with the this
value bound to the specified value without calling the original function immediately.
Q 43) What is the difference between "class" and "function" in JavaScript? What is the difference between the "in" and "hasOwnProperty" methods in JavaScript?
The "class" keyword in JavaScript is used to define a new class with a constructor and methods, similar to how classes are defined in other programming languages. The "function" keyword is used to define a function, which can be called with arguments and return a value.
The "in" and "hasOwnProperty" methods are used to check if an object has a specific property. The "in" operator checks if the property is in the object's prototype chain, while the "hasOwnProperty" method checks if the property is a direct property of the object. For example:
const obj = {prop1: "value1", prop2: "value2"};
console.log("prop1" in obj); // true
console.log("toString" in obj); // true
console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty("prop1")); // true
console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty("toString")); // false
In the above example, the "in" operator returns true for both "prop1" and "toString", because they are both in the prototype chain of the object. However, the "hasOwnProperty" method returns true only for "prop1", because it is a direct property of the object.
Q 44) What is the purpose of the "async" and "await" keywords in JavaScript?
The "async" and "await" keywords were introduced in ES2017 to make working with promises in JavaScript easier and more intuitive.
The "async" keyword is used to define an asynchronous function that always returns a promise. It allows you to use the "await" keyword inside the function to wait for a promise to resolve before continuing with the execution of the function.
The "await" keyword can only be used inside an asynchronous function defined with the "async" keyword. It pauses the execution of the function until the promise it's waiting for resolves. Once the promise resolves, the value that it resolves with is returned.
Using "async" and "await" makes the code easier to read and understand, as it eliminates the need for complex chaining of ".then()" methods to handle the results of promises. Additionally, "async" and "await" allow you to catch errors with try/catch blocks, which can be easier to work with than handling errors with promise rejection functions.
Here's an example of using async
and await
in JavaScript:
function fetchUser() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
name: "John",
age: 30
}, 1000);
async function displayUser() {
const user = await fetchUser();
console.log(`Name: ${}, Age: ${user.age}`);
In this example, the fetchUser
function returns a Promise that resolves with an object containing the user's name and age after a delay of 1 second. The displayUser
function is declared as async
, which means that it implicitly returns a Promise.
Inside the displayUser
function, the await
keyword is used to wait for the Promise returned by fetchUser
to be resolved. Once the Promise is resolved, the result is assigned to the user
variable, and the user's name and age are displayed in the console.
When displayUser
is called, it returns a Promise that resolves with the result of its execution. However, since there is no explicit return statement, the Promise resolves with the value undefined
Q 45) What is the difference between a closure and a scope in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, a closure and a scope are related concepts but have some differences.
A scope is the context in which a variable or function is defined, and it determines where the variable or function can be accessed. There are two types of scope in JavaScript: global scope and local scope. Variables defined in the global scope can be accessed from anywhere in the code, while variables defined in local scope can only be accessed within the function or block in which they are defined.
On the other hand, a closure is a function that has access to variables in its outer (enclosing) function, even after that function has returned. In other words, a closure allows a function to access and manipulate variables that are outside of its scope. Closures are created every time a function is created and have access to the outer function's variables, even after the outer function has finished executing.
In summary, a scope determines where a variable or function can be accessed, while a closure allows a function to access and manipulate variables outside its immediate scope.
Q 46) What is the difference between a regular function and an arrow function in terms of the "this" keyword?
In a regular function, the value of the "this" keyword is determined by how the function is called, which can vary depending on the context in which it is executed. The value of "this" can be explicitly set by using the "bind", "call", or "apply" methods on the function.
In an arrow function, the value of "this" is lexically bound to the enclosing context, which means that it is set to the value of "this" in the surrounding code. This makes arrow functions particularly useful for cases where you want to preserve the value of "this" from the surrounding context.
For example, consider the following code:
const person = {
name: 'John',
sayName: function() {
sayNameArrow: () => {
person.sayName(); // logs "John"
person.sayNameArrow(); // logs "undefined"
In this example, the "sayName" method is a regular function, and the "sayNameArrow" method is an arrow function. When "sayName" is called, the value of "this" is set to the "person" object, so it logs "John". However, when "sayNameArrow" is called, the value of "this" is not set to the "person" object, but rather to the value of "this" in the surrounding code (which is the global object in this case). Therefore, it logs "undefined" because there is no "name" property on the global object.
Q 47) What is the difference between "var", "let", and "const" in terms of scope and hoisting?
has function-level scope, meaning that a variable declared withvar
inside a function can be accessed within that function, including any nested functions.let
, on the other hand, have block-level scope, meaning that a variable declared withlet
inside a block (e.g., within a loop or conditional statement) can only be accessed within that block.Hoisting: All three keywords are hoisted to the top of their respective scopes. However, there is a difference in how they are initialized during the hoisting phase. Variables declared with
are initialized with a value ofundefined
, while variables declared withlet
are not initialized at all. This means that trying to access alet
variable before it has been declared will result in aReferenceError
variables can be reassigned, whileconst
variables cannot. Once a value is assigned to aconst
variable, it cannot be changed.
Here's an example to illustrate these differences:
function example() {
console.log(x); // undefined
console.log(y); // ReferenceError: y is not defined
console.log(z); // ReferenceError: z is not defined
var x = 1;
let y = 2;
const z = 3;
if (true) {
var x = 4;
let y = 5;
const z = 6;
console.log(x); // 4
console.log(y); // 5
console.log(z); // 6
console.log(x); // 4
console.log(y); // 2
console.log(z); // 3
x = 7;
y = 8;
// z = 9; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
console.log(x); // 7
console.log(y); // 8
console.log(z); // 3
In this example, var x
is hoisted to the top of the function and initialized with a value of undefined
. When we try to log x
before it has been assigned a value, we get undefined
. let y
and const z
, on the other hand, are not initialized during hoisting, so trying to log them before they have been declared results in a ReferenceError
Inside the if statement, we declare new variables with the same names as the ones declared outside the if statement. This is possible with var
, but not with let
or const
, which have block-level scope. When we log x
, y
, and z
inside the if statement, we get the values assigned within that block. When we log them outside the block, we get the values assigned outside the block, except for y
, which is still 2
because it was declared with let
inside the function and is therefore not affected by the redeclaration of y
inside the if statement.
Finally, we try to reassign the values of x
, y
, and z
. This is possible with var
and let
, but not with const
, which is why trying to reassign z
results in a TypeError
Q 48) What is the difference between the "splice" and "slice" methods in JavaScript?
The "splice" and "slice" methods in JavaScript are used to manipulate arrays, but they have different functionalities:
The "slice" method returns a new array that contains a copy of a part of an array. It takes two arguments: the starting index (inclusive) and the ending index (exclusive) of the part of the array to be copied. The original array is not modified by the "slice" method.
The "splice" method is used to add or remove elements from an array. It takes at least two arguments: the index at which to start changing the array and the number of elements to remove. The "splice" method can also take additional arguments to insert new elements at the specified index. Unlike the "slice" method, the "splice" method modifies the original array.
In summary, the main difference between "splice" and "slice" is that "slice" returns a new array containing a copy of a part of an array, while "splice" modifies the original array by adding or removing elements.
examples of how to use the splice
and slice
methods in JavaScript:
The splice
method is used to add or remove elements from an array. It can take up to three parameters: the starting index, the number of elements to remove, and the element(s) to add.
Example 1: Removing elements from an array
javascriptCopy codeconst numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
numbers.splice(2, 2); // Removes 2 elements starting from index 2
console.log(numbers); // Output: [1, 2, 5]
Example 2: Adding elements to an array
javascriptCopy codeconst numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
numbers.splice(2, 0, 6, 7); // Adds 6 and 7 at index 2
console.log(numbers); // Output: [1, 2, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5]
The slice
method is used to create a new array that contains a portion of an existing array. It takes up to two parameters: the starting index and the ending index (exclusive).
Example 1: Slicing an array
const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape'];
const citrusFruits = fruits.slice(2); // Slices from index 2 to the end of the array
console.log(citrusFruits); // Output: ['orange', 'grape']
Example 2: Creating a shallow copy of an array
const originalArray = [1, 2, 3];
const copyArray = originalArray.slice();
console.log(copyArray); // Output: [1, 2, 3]
I hope these examples help clarify how to use splice
and slice
in JavaScript.
Q 49) What is the difference between "undefined" and "null" in terms of value and type?
In JavaScript, undefined
and null
both represent the absence of a value, but they have different meanings and types.
means a variable has been declared but has not been assigned a value, or a function is called without providing a required argument. It is a primitive value and has the type undefined
represents the intentional absence of any object value. It is also a primitive value and has the type object
The main difference between undefined
and null
is that undefined
is used by the language to indicate an uninitialized variable or missing function argument, while null
is typically used to represent an intentionally missing or empty value.
In terms of type comparison, undefined
is considered equal to null
only in the loose equality comparison (==
), but not in the strict equality comparison (===
Q 50) What is the difference between a "shallow copy" and a "deep copy" of an object in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, objects and arrays are reference types, which means that when you copy an object or an array, you are copying a reference to the original object or array, rather than creating a new copy of the data.
A shallow copy of an object or array only creates a new copy of the top-level values in the object or array, but any nested objects or arrays will still be references to the original objects or arrays. This means that if you modify a nested object or array in the shallow copy, you will be modifying the original object or array as well.
Here is an example of a shallow copy:
const obj1 = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } };
const obj2 = Object.assign({}, obj1);
obj2.b.c = 3;
console.log(obj1); // { a: 1, b: { c: 3 } }
console.log(obj2); // { a: 1, b: { c: 3 } }
As you can see, when we modify obj2.b.c
, it also modifies obj1.b.c
A deep copy of an object or array creates a completely new copy of the original data, including any nested objects or arrays. This means that if you modify a nested object or array in the deep copy, it will not affect the original object or array.
Here is an example of a deep copy:
const obj1 = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } };
const obj2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj1));
obj2.b.c = 3;
console.log(obj1); // { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } }
console.log(obj2); // { a: 1, b: { c: 3 } }
As you can see, when we modify obj2.b.c
, it does not modify obj1.b.c
Note that the JSON.parse(JSON.stringify())
method is commonly used to create a deep copy of an object or array, but it has some limitations. For example, it cannot handle functions, undefined values, or circular references in the object or array. There are other methods for creating a deep copy that can handle these situations, such as the lodash
library's cloneDeep()